Heartfelt talks

Next day everyone came in the living room for breakfast except Riya and Rudra cause they are lazy.

Rudra:- Riyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (shouted)

And here Riya was descending stairs happily and sat on dining table.

Riya:- Good Morning everyone

Family:- Good morning princess

Meera :- What did you did now..???? Why Rudra is shouting???

Riya :- Maa Little bit of pranks are okk Aap chill kro

Meera glared at her and she gulped.

Riya :- Badi Maa see Mumma is glaring me

Nalini :- Let it be Meera

Just then Ishanvi came there

Ishanvi :- Good morning

Everyone :- good morning bcche

She went to touch everyone's feet starting from her Father in law but he stopped her

Aviraj :- Daughter shouldn't touch our feets.

Ishanvi smiled and went from there

Ishanvi :- Maa Can I help you in something??

Nalini :- No You just sit on the table and eat

Ishanvi :- But-

Nalini :- *sternly* Ishanvi!

Ishanvi sat quietly and started eating her food with others.

After sometimes everyone was done with their breakfast, everyone went to their work.

It was lunch time and Nalini called Ishanvi in kitchen.

Ishanvi :- Yes Maa!! You called me???

Nalini:- Will you go to office and give everyone's lunch???

Ishanvi:- Me??? *surprised*

Nalini :- Yes bcche!!! Please!!!

Ishanvi :- Okk!! *took the lunch box and went to parking lot*

She reached office and asked receptionist about Aviraj's office and since he was busy, the receptionist sent her to Akshat's office.

She knocked the door of his cabin and his voice came.


She entered and Akshat was shocked to see her, he gestured her to sit on couch while he talk with his business partner who is sitting in front of him. As she sat on the couch, she noticed the way his business partner ogling her, she felt uncomfortable but sat there quietly praying god to finish this early.

Akshat also noticed his business partner's way of ogling her and her squirming uncomfortably. He stood up suddenly startling his business partner, he stood behind his chair keeping his hand on the chair and said lowly to him.

"Go from here before I send you somewhere you won't wish to be".

His words and the danger underlying his tone send shivers to that man and he stood up, muttered sorry, and went out from the cabin.

Akshat looked towards Ishanvi, smiles and sat on another end of couch making sure not to invade her privacy or make her uncomfortable.

Akshat:- You here!?

Ishanvi:- Maa sent me with lunch boxes for you, baba and chote baba.

Akshat:- Okii, let me call them here.

He went out and informed his PA to call them in his cabin.

He came back and sat on couch. There was an awkward silent in the cabin. They both wanted to talk but they didn't knew what to say. Finally, Ishanvi broke the silence.

Ishanvi:- Why did you married me forcefully!?

Akshat sighs and shifted a little closer and took her hands in his softly rubbing her knuckles soothingly.

Akshat :- I don't know how to say in huge paragraphs or something, it's just. I love you, from the day I saw your photo in the intern file, I knew your parents wouldn't allow me to marry you, so I had to do that, I know I shouldn't have took this decision without your consent but it's just I didn't knew what to do that time. Please just give me a chance to love you, to show you what love is, to make you fall in love with me again. Just 6 months after that I will not force you and will send you wherever you want to go, please.

Ishanvi stared at him silently for few seconds, then nodded.

Ishanvi:- Okii, I am ready to give you a chance.

Akshat smiled widely and breathed a sigh of relief.

Akshat :- I will make sure to make it the best decision of your life, I promise.

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