The beginning of destruction


A couple is living in a mansion with their two son and a daughter. Today is the birthday of their younger children who are twins.

Man: - Caro!! I think we should take our children out as today's their birthday and they don't like much people around so they don't let me throw a party *rolling eyes*

Women:- *chuckles* Okk let me ask Abhi if he will also go.

Men :- Okk

Just then a 15 year old boy entered the room.

Boy :- Good morning Mom and Dad

Man :- Good morning son

Woman :- Good morning Abhi. We were going to call you only

Boy :- Okk I am here. Do you wanted to talk about something???

Woman :- Yeah!! You know today is the birthday of your siblings. So we were thinking of going out somewhere as they don't like gathering.

Boy :- Sorry Mom I won't be able to go

Woman :- It's ok no problem hun!! But call me or your dad if you will need something.

Man :- *came with his daughter* Heyy!! Ayaan is sleeping we can't take him.

Boy :- Don't worry dad I will be with him.

Man :- But it's his birthday also-

Woman :- Let it be if he is sleeping we can't disturb his sleep right *sighs*. Okay!! Abhi *kisses his forehead* take care of your brother and give me a call if you will need anything. Let's go.

The couple settled inside the car with their 8 years old daughter.

They watched movie, ate dinner and did some shopping.

They were in the way back to their home suddenly a truck hitted them causing their car to hit a tree.

Man came outside his head was injured. He went to other side of the car and started waking up his wife.

Just than few men came there and made him unconscious and took that couple and their daughter with them.

After some times

Man regained conscious and found himself in a basement tied to a chair. He moved his gaze finding his two lifelines.

His gaze fall on his daughter and his wife who was in front of him but in another room a glass wall was separating them.

Man :- Shalini!!! Shalini!! Get up!! Please!!

Woman started getting conscious. She woke up and found herself tied beside her daughter and saw her husband in front of her behind glass wall.

Woman :- What the hell!! We are kidnapped. *she tried waking her daughter* Aashu bcche get up. Aashu!!! Aashu!!!!

The little girl woke up and saw her mother tied.

Girl :- Mumma!! What's happening here?? Where we are??? Why are you tied?? Where is Papa???

Woman :- We got kidnapped bccha. We both are tied but you are not go and hide yourself somewhere.

Girl :- No Maa I will try to open your ropes. *trying to open the ropes*

Man :- Princess you can't open these ropes go and hide somewhere.

Girl :- But Papa-

Woman :- Please Aashu. Go and hide yourself somewhere.

She started looking here and there searching for a place to hide herself. She found a wooden almirah and get inside it and closed the door but still there was a gape and she can see everything that's happening outside through it.

After some time few men entered their and she got to know that they were kidnapped by Russian Mafia. Mafia Rival and Business Rival of her father. She saw how they tortured her father and killed him. How they raped her mother and killed her. She was sobbing till now and no one noticed her or heard her sob cause of screams.

Now everything was over and the room was empty only two dead bodies were there. She slowly and cautiously came out of her hiding place and went near the dead body of her parents. She sat their and started crying. Just then a guard entered their and saw her. She get scared and started running towards another room and locked herself but she didn't noticed that someone was already inside. The person was don of Russian Mafia. He liked her charm and personality so decided to train her like his weapon.

She was physically assualted :- Whiplashed, burnt, tortured, trained and deprived of food and water but she didn't died because she wanted to live until she give justice to her parents. She was molested once.

When she turned 10 and completely trained she ran away from there destroying that warehouse where she was captivated. It wasn't the first time she killed anyone. But first time she got satisfaction after killing someone and from here the story started of a


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